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Hi, I was bragging about the ribs that I cook on my smokette and I will have to back it up soon, with more people than I usually cook for. I will probably cook about 35 pounds and have to do some the day before.I've cooked up to 20 pounds before without any left overs. My question is,will there be a difference between the precooked ribs and the just cooked ribs, and if, any suggestions?
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I do a lot of ribs for people. Many want to eat them later, so I seal in vacum sealer bags (entire racks in 8 inch wide bags) and they freeze them. They either warm them up in a pan of warm water on the stove in thier plastic, or take them out of the bag and microwave or conventionally warm them in an oven.

I've never had any complaints. I always cook mine to the very brink of doneness, so warming them up does not overcook them. I've even got one guy who thaws his, puts them on his gas grill with sauce and all his friends think HE makes the best ribs in the world. Lots of options. I use a FEC so I have plenty of volume (up to 40 racks) at a time.

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