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I was doing some NY strips on the FEC last night and I was wondering what kind of steaks are best for this kind of smoking. The ones I did were good, but is there a "best" to do on the FEC, and should they be prepared in some way other than rub for better tenderness?

Thanks for any suggestions...
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Steaks need a grill, not a smoker, that's my preference.

I've done most steaks in the FE, about the only one is a rib eye/prime rib. I've seen filets, etc done, but for me, "smoked" as a little flavor, but steaks don't need much.

I've done sirloins for contests, smoke on 180 until it hits about 5 degrees less then you need. Take it off and let it rest.

You can also smoke it for an hour or so and then finish it on a higher temp to crisp the outside.
At the Chest to Chest cookoff, they had a steak category, think I got 3rd out of 50+ teams:

Here's a photo of sirloin, cooked to 135, in an FE. Just Montreal Steak Seasoning. It was a 10 lb roast. A KEY for this kind of meat is to take it out and let it hold for at least an hour or two. Helps the juices settle back in, just like a steak, but hold it longer.

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