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I've been reading all the posts and have seen Smokin refer to a "smoke ring" as well as the pictures he posted of the brisket smoke ring he worked up. I was starting to get a little concerned because nothing I've smoked up to this point has shown this type of ring, but today I smoked a pork loin in my smokette after marinating in an off the shelf honey BBQ glaze for an hour or so and when I sliced it up, there it was, 3/16 of an inch all the way around!! I really appreciate all of the valuable information that is posted here and have learned far more than I ever anticipated about smoking. I love my smokette and can report that everything I've done so far has won rave reviews from my friends and family!! Thanks all!!
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How do you think you achieved the smoke ring? The reason for the discussions about smoke rings is to create ways for people to generate a smoke ring.

You had to do one of two things. Something in the marinade "cured" the pork or you added some source of charcoal to the fire box.

Did you do either or those, or something else?


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