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My son and I have been contmeplating smoking a small pig in our AQ. As circumstance would have it, when I spoke with my local butcher about the success I was having with the traditional pork cuts with our smoker, his eyes lit up when I asked about a small pig.
His family roasts them all the time but usually larger - 40lbs. He called later in the week that he could get a small pig at a fairly reasonable price

I ordered one for Easter, and now I need some help with your ideas/suggestions.

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Your title says 15-20lb pig, but in the post you say a small pig.

I think I'm confused. You don't WANT a 15 lb whole pig, that's probably a baby piglet.

I think the 40lb is the small pig he's talking about.

A whole shoulder will weight about that.

Not sure that I'd recommend trying to do something you've never done for a holiday cook. Plus the AQ is the wrong shape/size for one. It's a vertifcal smoker, you probably could fit it in some way, but the part close, but not without designing something.

Too much to learn and can go wrong when the whole family is wanting you to finish on time...

We can try to help, so check with the butcher about what he means.

Also realize that you'd get probably half that in waste (skin, bones, parts you won't eat).
The fully dressed pig(let) will be between 15-20 lbs. Estimated length, approx 24 inches, but will find out exactly when received. Figured I might slant a rack, with appropriate support.
Appreciate the comments about Holiday surprises, but only immediate family will be there. In fact, when my wife mentioned this to her sister, they insisted on coming, no matter what. They have had pulled pork and brisket from our AQ, and obviously are hopefull.

Fallback, or if I get nervous, could be to just put the pig in the oven. Not the effect I am looking for, but that is why I look forward to your ideas!

I am begining to believe that both TN Q and SmokinOkie are right on, about using the AQ for this venture.

I will probably put it on my sister-in-laws charcoal grill wich can easliy fit the length of the pig. She has a super deluxe grill that you can raise or lower the wood charcoal trays (without opening the lid) and even has an attachment that covers the coals so if you want to use indirect heat, you can.

Pig(let) pickup is next Friday, and I will let you know the results.

The reason for using the AQ was one of an "experiment" that I wished to share with you and I very much appreciate your comments/advice!

Onward and upward!!

Thank you and thank you!!!

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