Then ,sitting around on a cold winter day,pondering the use over an adult beverage.
Is the stronger flavor/ability to mask , directly related to the poor quality of the cooking?
Is the lack of taste/judgement of the consumer directly related to the success of the sauce?
Is the level of advertising to a consumer that has no other standard, directly related to the "success" of the sauce?
Does the cost/price promoting have a direct relation to the sales of the sauce?
We all know that the McRib is the best Ribs in the country and that McDonald's is the best restaurant in the world,so could this give us an indication?
Some people think ketchup is used to hide a product folks don't like,or is poorly prepared,so that could be a thought?
Some folks think people and cooks in Texas know a thing,or two about great barbecue.
In a Texas contest,you are disqualified immediately for using ANY sauce on the product after you take it off the fire.
Hmmm/Would you think they are concerned it wouldn't taste like the meat should taste,or the cook was trying to hide a poor entry?
Memphis in May,the largest pork contests in the world,your entry is turned in with no sauce on it in the box.
When the judge comes to your cooksite,they study your entry on the cooker as it has cooked,the cook may have a half dozen shoulders displayed on the cooker and the judge selects the one they wish to try.
The cook then breaks it apart into different areas of meat and plates it WITHOUT sauce for the judge to sit and sample.
Maybe,the judge wants to know what the meat should taste like-not what you are trying to hide with a sauce?
In Kansas City contests,the largest group in the world,an experienced judge like cal,can tell you about the ribs and chicken being covered in so much sauce that you can't lift it out of the display box.
Is it covered so heavily with sauce to hide how bad it looks,or merely so the judge will have no idea how it tastes or eats?
I'd guess an experienced judge would score it poorly for those reasons.
The FL assoc,,which is all across the SE,will look at the bare box the meat is displayed in and see that pooling of sauce and disqualify the entry.
Maybe,they think appearance,taste,correctness of cooking is being hidden?
Yep,it makes you wonder which sauce is the most popular for these reasons.