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Have the FE running since last night with 80 lbs of butts, should be done in a few hours. Then will load up with eight night choice packer briskets, when they are done going to load with eight more. Ribs, chicken and brats will go on the Klose offset on-site for Indiana tailgater on Saturday. Nice having an FE to do the big long cooks before a function, makes it much easier.

Ryan and I are flying into OK City on Thursday, heading to Norman on Saturday, where is the big cookshack tailgater going to be?
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Talked with CS and I'll be bringing the CS trailer with 2 FEC100's and we'll be setting up about 8am or so for the 2:30 kickoff (so we can get a prime spot).

Email me and we'll trade phone #'s so you can find us. Glad to have you around.

Hope the results are the same, I was at the game last time we played Wink


Had a great time, thanks for showing up. Appreciate you being there for the maiden voyage of the new CS FE trailer. I KNOW you enjoyed your trip, especially on the way home through Vegas Wink

Here's Russ(Smokin) and Duck and Mark

Russ & Ryan

And last but not least, here's a TRUE DUCK FAN:

Great time had by all.

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