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I know the temperatures in my CS 009 will fluctuate, but does this sound right?

First, I checked my podler a Taylor type in a glass of ice water. This all looked good as I got a temp of 33 when I stirred the water. So after a extra long cook of 18 hours on a 7.9lb butt I tried Smoken�s potato check.

So the test: The temp when I decided to try this was at 188 with the potato on the middle rack, No extension cord, Clear blue Colorado sky, Super temp at 49, No wind. At no time did I get near my 250 setting and had a average of 198.

188 start
10 min = 186
20 min = 197
30 min = 219
40 min = 206
50 min = 195
60 min = 201
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