QDogg: How'd it go with the turkey legs? I tried it, too. Bad result. Wayyyyyyyyy too salty. Otherwise, texture, appearance, moisture was just great. I used Smokin's honey brine which has 1 cup salt in 1 gal water, PLUS the 1 oz tender quick (read:more salt). Soaked from 7PM Sat to 3PM Sun.
Always in search for truth in Q, I went to the Joy of Cooking, the American benchmark for culinary endeavor. They have a recipe for roasted brined turkey. Calls for 2 cups salt (or 4 cups kosher[?]What's that about?) in 2 gals water. About the same solution. Main difference, JOy of says soak 6-8 hrs, no more.
So, where is the truth: Concentration of salt in brine; or time of brining? Other?
I may find my way back to Publix and ask if those turkey parts (legs, thighs, wings) were already saturated in NaCl tenderizers. Could be, no?
Hope you had better luck. acarriii