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Just some questions for you who do IBCA...

...any suggestions?

I'm doing a JOINT KCBS/IBCA next week, so we have to do the 1/2 chicken and brisket in an empty box (foil on the bottom)

Would appreciate any helpful thoughts/suggestions and it's my first IBCA and I know some of you, if you've done KCBS will steer me right.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Take the half and work the skin loose from the chic without tearing the skin. Marinate, brine, whatever floats your boat. Before putting it on to cook, get some rub on the meat. Take a probe and put it in under the drumstick and go all the way to the center of the breast. Tooth pick the skin to the meat so it won't draw up when you are cooking it.

Cook to 161 at the breast and pull it. Present it in the box with the breast part facing forward. Judges down here don't want to taste anything but the breast. They will also take only one small bite, two at the max. So there is plenty of breast meat to go around for all of them.


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