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I had a small catering job yesterday, good cash flow and easy work--just butts and briskets. Put everything in my FE100 at 225 for a nice slow overnight cook and went to bed. got up around 2am just to check out progress (I know, too nosy for my own good) and decided those briskets were getting done a little sooner than expected, so set my alarm for 5am to pull them off.

After hitting the snooze button a couple times, finally got up at 5:20 to check and most likely pull the briskets. They were definitely DONE!!

I went to pull the first one with a large spatula and it fell apart and on to the floor. What a mess. Was more careful with the second and third briskets, only to discover that brisket #2 was way over done and dried out.

What to do?? I ran to the store, bought a couple 9 pound briskets, a quick trim and some rub and back into the FE100 (at 275 degrees) by 7am.

Checked temp at 10:30, they were at 155, wrapped in foil, pulled them at noon, wrapped in towels, into dry cooler, and drove to the catering job. I explained to the customer that I like to control quality so I cut my brisket fresh on site--allowing the briskets to cook even longer in the towels was not mentioned.

Gotta tell you, those were some awesome briskets-- juicy, tender, a hint of a smoke ring, and very tasty.

Thanks to the FE100, I have the option to kick up the heat, knowing it will not get out of control, and still turn out great product in a very short period of time.
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