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Thank you for the rub recipe using Penzey�s two rubs. I ordered both and mixed enough of it to rub a 10 lb brisket. Put it in the CS55 last night set to a guessed 220 degrees on the dial with 4 ounces of pecan for a planned dinner tonight. We had kids visiting and had planned on making a Yankee breakfast this morning of grilled kielbasa, fried eggs, milk gravy, biscuits and jelly - yes! Cappuccino.

At 8:00 AM I plugged in the polder which had the lead hanging out the blow hole all night - the internal temperature of the brisket was 194 degrees. Perfect timing. At 195, took it out and after a foil wrap, put in the cooler for an hour. At 9:00 am after cooking the kielbasa and ready to cook the eggs, I removed the brisket and we all tasted it. MISTAKE! Roll Eyes

No kielbasa this morning. Sliced the brisket and we all ate perfectly smoked brisket and eggs. There was so little left, we will now have kielbasa for dinner. My Momma always told me to eat a preparation when you want it - may not be another time.

When the wife was ready to have our last child, Mother had fixed a chocolate cake for a Woman�s club meeting, my wife saw it and said she just couldn�t get enough chocolate and was craving some of that cake. Mother told her to eat what she wanted, she would buy a cake for the meeting. She ate almost half the cake - never eaten chocolate cake since. Big Grin



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sure glad you liked the recipe.
we did one this weekend also since peg wanted to follow ocala bills recipe to the letter.
it also gave me a chance to try out my new mavrick remote thermo and morton meat pump.
i took 2 Tbs of the rub and added 8 ounces of water to it and injected that into the thickpart of the brisket. came out good and it sure was fun watching the meat and pit temps.
what wasnt fun was getting up at 4 am to ready the ribs. at 5 am (following my contest schedule exactly) i went to the cooler for my morning good luck beer. wondered why it was warm. then i noticed that the fog was now ice on top of the cooler.
when i retire i am moving somewhere warm!!!!
You made Jack's day. It sure is a good recipe. We had a fun date cooking brisket this weekend. I messed around with Ocala Bill's chicken method, and it was delicious too. We also smoked a salmon fillet and had toasted bagels with salmon and cream cheese, a nice glass of wine and some black bean and corn salad under a beautiful sky. It was cold out. I tried something odd in the CS150. Thinly sliced sweet potatoes topped with sausage and jalapenos topped with cheese. That came out good, too.

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