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I decided to do a pork butt for the first time in my cheesy El Cheapo modified Brinkman Kettle. (the big gift for 15 years of service at the greedy corporation I work for...)

Anyways... I start at 7 pm - stay up half the night keeping the temp around 225 - drink a 6 pack or two and play horseshoes with my buddy to keep my mind occupied, and then around noon the next day get the baby up to 190 degrees. (it might of been a whole shoulder instead of just the pork butt portion... 8.5 pounds) (WallyWorld sells a "square cut" pork butt, is that what I want?)

Anyways... I let it rest, then douse it with Smokin' Okie's finishing sauce.

The Mrs., still ugly about me and my buddie's all nighter (all for the noble cause of BBQ), then eats a pulled pork sandwich, and says "this is good, this is very good, this is very very good".

Seizing the opportunity, I tell her, "honey, you know, you could cook eat these every week if I had a Cookshack oven", and I wouldn't stay up all night drinking and playing horseshoes. And we wouldn't have all these charcoal ashes all over the garden, and beer cans on the roof, and (pointing to my buddy) him still sleeping on the couch.

She was sold, and I hope to order my Smokette soon.

Thanks for the great forum.
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The sholders I get around here will avarage about 18lbs each,

Well i know what I need to do this weekend. Throw a BBQ party and get drunk. Then the wife might let me get the 150 that I would like to have..

But the eating of a great Q will not work, As she has been eating the great stuff off the 6ft offset 2 long..

but guess that I will have to wait a weekend as I will be cooking fish this weekend..

good story mainleydave!

People ask me "how long did you have to cook this" and I usually reply "oh, 12 or 14 hours..." and they say "wow!" and then my wife jumps in with "Yeah... while he was SLEEPING!!" When I got the remote RF probe she was then able to add "with the thermometer sittin right next to THE BED!!!!"

What a killjoy. Cool

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