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thanks.........i live in mobile home park and mostly seniors and this big bang might put some one in a cardiac arrest and i would have to take it over to my son's I usually do Q in an offset,but because some of my nieghbors who think it smokes too much, that i took the offset over to my son's house where we do a lot of wood burning q's there. I just wanted something like the CS model 50 close around to do some Q at my leasure.Regards
Not sure if the 50 does this. Some with the smaller Smokette have reported this. All have said that no damage was done and the smokers still work great. Agree with what greyn said. All the CS models come with a 30 day money back guarantee. The customer service is second to none. You will be very pleased with the 50. Smiler
Thank you elz56, have my heart set on this unit, mainly because that i live in a mobile home park as mentioned and would hate to Q some where else because of the big bang and you know where that would lead me some very upset neighbors. Had to take my offset over to my son's. Too much smoke was their complaint.
Thanks again to you and greyn for the info. I'm starting to feel alittle more at ease.Regards
You won't get near the smoke output of an offset rig, however, and the smoke is much less later in the cook. I would be surprised if it bothered the neighbors. When getting ready to move once when I had an offset, the neighbor girl said, "No more stinky meat?" when told of our departure. I doubt she would have noticed the CS smoke!

As to the supposed bang, I add my voice to the "Don't worry about it" crowd. I _maybe_ had it once, but from what others have said, it doesn't sound as loud as a firecracker or gun, just loud enough to startle someone in close proximity. Maybe something like a cat jumping on your table and knocking a baking sheet to the ground.
I agree- I've had the pop three times (that I was around) in my 009. I don't think it'd be enough to put anyone in cardiac arrest-it is not as loud as a firecracker, mainly because these baby's are built rather solidly and it is a muffled bang.

As for the smell of my smoker- I think you're more likely to be bothered by uninvited dinner guests than complaints about the smell- most people think it smells delish! Remember that with 4 oz of wood on a say 12 hour butt, the woodsmoking is likely to be exhausted after the first 3-4 hours, after that its just the smell of pork.....getting hungry just thinking about it. Jeff
Thanks I just might have to do that. Ya know life is funny son and I were watching this couple here in the park trying ta fire up the ole grill and I mean ta tell ya they were making enough smoke for 2 I think the CS 50 will do ok on it's own. Regards
can only give you my opinion, but it's not a smoker deficiency. I think it's one of those things about the internet, with a forum, every little potential issue is discussed.

Key point being CS has amazing money back guarantee and Great Customer Service.

If you're worried about it, just call CS customer Service and talk to them. There is no damage caused by the bang and I think it's been explained before.

A little Q bribe goes a long way... I am away from home for the next 4 months or so and will be living in a hotel.... After a weekend at home I brought back a brisket and a but.. The powers that be at the hotel are now going to let me bring my smoker to use while here... And begging for my sauce recipes... Life is good again.

PS thanks go out to PapaShaka for serving my Q desires in the meantime.
LR is not a bad place to be... for now anyway.. temps in the 70's and lots of sunny weather. The thunderstorms are polite... (they wait till late I am sure this will all change as spring moves toward summer.... HOT HOT HOT.... Now if only I could get the fish to bite.....

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