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I am actually looking for information here. We live in a very heavily wooded area with a mix of Red Oak and Pines. Recently the squirrels have absolutely taken over our yard and are out of control at our bird feeders. I have been live trapping and relocating them, but it is a losing battle. I am seriously thinking of pan frying some, as of course they taste like chicken. Then it occured to me that I could try smoking one. Has anyone out in this vast audience ever tried that and do you have any suggestions? Also, please don't contact peta. This is for real. Help!
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he is how i used to do tree rats when i lived in lawrenceville,georgia and they always came out tasty but then again these squirrels lived on white oak and hickory.

1- take and load your 32 cal blackpowder rifle with 20 grains of FFFg and use a 10 thou patch lubed with crisco.
2- take only head shots. this will discourage you from eatting the brains
3- take and clean your tree rats and and rinse well.
4- all i had at the time was a bullet smoker so i filled the water pan and used a mix of oak and hickory for the wood.
5- let them smoke 1 hour and take out
6- in a pan make a plain old bechamel sauce and while it is getting thick add 1 large onion really thin sliced to it along with salt and pepper. let it get overly thick and then thin it with sour cream.
6- turn your heat way down and just let them simmer until tender

mashed potato and rutabagas go great with this and if you have some burgandy wine you'll be in heaven.

the only thing i miss about georgia is not being able to hunt with the north georgia squirrel hunters group. they were a lot of fun and we limited ourselves to either 22 cal pistols or blackpowder guns and head shots only.

if you do fry them just be aware that they are a whole lot tougher than rabbits are so the cream sauce thing works really good and the leftovers make a great breakfast with biscuits Big Grin

hope it helps some and it sure brought back some great memories for me

please feel free to post my recipe on that board!!!
however please advise them that if they use tree rats that have eatten a lot of pine cones then i guess the best wine would be the greek retsina which is stored in pine pitch lined barrels.
as far as eatting the brains go i am mad enough without risking mad cow.
ps. be sure to include that they must under all circumstances cast their own bullets as the store bought ones will leave an off taste due to the zinc.
I have not given up on trapping the rats with a bushy tail, however the program has been delayed. We had a very heavy snow on Dec. 28 and 29, so the squirrels have been rather scarce. I will resume trapping as soon as they reappear, which will be all too soon. I'll keep you posted on results.

Executive Director
PETA Support Group

p.s. I wonder how many it would take to make a coat and muffler?
After you get them skint out and looking like a naked Chihuahua, break their little backs long ways, put on your favorite venison rub, and splay them out on the rack belly down. Cover in cheap fatty bacon. Smoke at 250* until 150* with 1 or 2 ounces of wood. Wrap in double HD tinfoil and then a towel or 2, place in dry cooler for 30 minutes minimum. Serve with white beans and fried tators/onions. So what if they look like monkey rats! They are sho'nuff good eatin!

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