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Doing three birds for the first time and want to make sure what I am doing sounds right to you all.
We are having some friends over tonight and plan to eat around 6:30pm.
I have three birds each about 4.5 punds. They have been brining overnight. Because of church, I can either put the birds in at 9:15 or 11:45.
So first issue, should I put them in at 9:15 or 11:45? I really don't want people waiting but don't want dry chicken because I had to re-heat it.
I've done two birds before and put them near the top of the smoker (heat rising and all). Since I don't think I can put all three on one shelf (008 here by the way), one of them is going to have go lower. Second question, do I have to rotate the birds?
Since I am going to pre-heat the smoker, should I wait until the birds go in to add the wood? Honestly, I have never bothered to wait before when I was doing just one or two birds and lack of smoke was never an issue. I am curious how other people handle this.
Thanks for all advice !
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Either time should work for you although if it were me I would just start the birds at 3:00 and eat when their done. Or FTC them for a short time.

I've done two birds on different shelves in my Elite and they were pretty much done at the same time. Only a couple degrees difference so took them out the same time. If your lower bird cooks faster, take that out and FTC it till the others are done. Didn't rotate.

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