Hook, here you go.
And please don't call me Sir
Around here's it's Smokin'. Sir makes me feel old or like I was back in the Military. Just call me Colonel Smokin'
Well, about tiles.
In something small like a Smokette, I don't think they would do much, based only on my common sense. There is already 1000 degree insulation, so we don't have a problem with heat loss. So the only benefit of tiles would be to what?
like we always say here, someone try it and tell us. Although it's hard to quantify the results.
The concept behind tiles to me would be the same as tuning plates in other smokers. Those bigger smokers have a lot of area to cover and the concept of the plates is to target the heat evenly in the smoker, usually a lateral issue of heat dissipation, not a vertical issue (like a smokette, where, because the heat source is below, you have an issue of the bottom rack getting the most heat. Same problem you have in all "vertical" smokers like a CS.
The best design I've seen to solve that would be a backwoods smoker, where the heat goes up the sides and down from above.
For me, the CS works great, I never really had an issue with the Smokette. I knew it's tendencies and work with them.
About the only issue where they might help, would be on the bottom shelf nearest the heat source to deflect some of the heat around the sides of the tiles...but then, all the juices get on them.