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I went to Smokin'Okie's guide above, and see 1 to 2 hours per pound. so avg at 1.5, am I going off the largest piece for this time to doneness estimate? I know I need to check temps as well as feel and texture.

Most of the ones I have done in the past have been 1 or 2 at a time and after talking to the meat guy where I buy at, I found out they trim them up when they come in, so I requested these untrimmed, so I got them pretty much the way they get them.

Going to get them out tomorrow and develope a plan of attack as to how many and which one to smoke together.

Man a lot of typing to ask one simple little question.
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I've done 4 or 5 butts since getting my 008 a couple months ago. Almost without fail, a 6.5 - 7.5 lb.'er takes about 16-18 hours at 225 to reach an internal of 195. That's without opening the door, etc. When I inititally got the 008, I thought my times would be shorter when I read the book and some posts.

It's just so incredible the tenderness and taste of the meat that the CS puts out.

Good luck!
I agree with Smokin'. Using the 08-09 go for 2 hr per lb. Remember tho, no two butts are alike. I've done nine in the past 10 days or so - three at a time. Of those nine, 1 was done with 1.5 hrs per lb while the others took coloser to two+ .

Also, just FYI, if you're going to do more than one butt per rack try to purchase your butts in the 4-5 lb range. It's much easier to do multiples per rack. If you start gettint 7-8 pounders you'll run out of space quick.

Good luck!
Here are a few pics of the butts, these were the biggest ones I have done so far, as most in the past were 4-5 pound. These were 7-7.5 pound.

Put them in at 11 pm at 180 and turned up to 225 when i left for work at 7:30 am and pulled them out at 6:00 pm, temps were around 200.

They pulled nicely, used a set of bear paws, and then when they cooles slightly I broke up some of the harder outside pieces and shredded what i had missed.

They are in the roaster now at about 140, hopefully they will be all consumed by tomorrow afternoon.

Thanks for alll the help, this is definatly one place i come where I get more than I give.

Ended up starting with about 45 pounds, served probably 70+ people, they did in a 7 qt pot of beans, a 10 qt pot of scalloped potatos, about a gallon of coleslaw, a 12x17 gob cake, few dozen cookies about a qt of sauce, a couple boxes of ritz crackers with about a 7" cheeseball.

Full size electric roaster, maybe 18 qt, heaped up with the pork, had about 1 1/2" of meat left covering the bottom.

All of my superiors in the company were very pleased with the turnout, some of the factory reps have been looking forward to my stores show, because of the food.

Oh also went through a few packs of hotdogs, and I sent one of my people to pick up 2 hamburgers at Burger King for the one customer that was a picky eater. He was quite suprised when I handed them to him.

Good day and the weather was nice, but glad it is over for another year. Now to go home and clean all of the pots and roasters.

Thanks again.
Slightly more meat than needed, but would rather have to much, and leftovers won't go to waste. I did bag some up and send with some rolls and sauce to a few customers that couldn't make it.

Lessons: it takes a long time to get to 200, put in at 180 for about 8 hours and then turned up to 225 for another 9 hours to get to 200.

Need to fix the rack holders from tipping and coming off the pegs.

As for next year, if they don't fire me before then, I am thinking of a cut of beef, possibly to slice for sandwichs. Will have to research what cut I need.

Did ham last year, so something diferent. Open for suggestions.

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