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ok, so I got stuck at work today, so I got home late...

got the pork butt in late... the package was about 12lbs and when I opened it, it seemed to be 2 halves..

anyway, trimmed a little, seasoned it up... added my wood... set to 225... and it's smokin away...

then I realize... when it will probably be done tomorrow... i'll be at work...

So... when I leave for work if it isn't done, can I turn it down to say 200? or 190? will that hold it so it doesn't over cook and dry out? and then when I get home just turn it back to 225?

or, if it's within like 20 degrees would just turning it off and leaving it work... with the heat inside the meat already and the heat inside the smoker?

any advice appreciated!
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You didn't say how long you'd be at work.

You have a package of two butts. At 225* they will cook in about 9-10 hours usually. Depending on when you go to work, you could bump the temp up to 250* so they finish before you leave, then cooler them or just leave them in the cooker at 150* for 4 hours or so.

Or you could drop the temp down to 200* which will likely drag their cooking out to 20 hours, so you could go to work and then crank it up when you get home for a quick finish.

And you should not have trimmed the butts.
well, I have to leave in about an hour and they're 176... so, I'm turning down to 200.

I hope to be back from work in 6hrs.. might be closer to 4...

although I'm also waiting to hear back from a friend who might be able to come over and baby-sit.... and just turn it to 150 when it its temp.

thanks for the help/advice.

oh and normally I don't trim. I thought I read somewhere where it was recommended to trip the top of the butt so the rub would penetrate better... also the fat cat on these were like 1/2" thick... just seemed a little much... but I didn't try and trim the thing clean or anything... just a few layers off the top of fat.
if they're at 176 they hit the final temp quick enough. 200 will delay it some.

That's the best part about the new smokers with the smoke and hold, just for days like you're having, but that's won't help.

For next time. I would have told you to shoot it up to 250 to get them off sooner and wrap and hold. If it was only 6 hours or so, and you put them in a small insulated cooler, they'd hold hot that long. smaller the better.

Basically for me I smoke at mostly 240/250, ribs at 275. Once the smoke penetration ends, the difference between 225 and 250 is only about 11% which is pretty small in temp... and the butts won't know.
ok... so they went in last night around 10pm.

this morning around 9am they were at 176, with the temp for the smoker reading a perfect 225.

I turned it down to 200 and went to work.

6-7 hrs later... I come home..

first the smoker which I turned down to 200, is reading around 230.

second, the butts are still at 176.

Now, 2 things.

1) yes I am positive I don't have the probes reversed!

2) I have the probe in the middle of the biggest piece. Yes, I should probably open the door and probe some other spots... but...

ok, I'll admit it....


Happens every time I smoke! I'm afraid, open the door, let out the heat... that's why I never mop using the electric smoker, only the charcoal and only when I'm also adding charcoal.

So, sounds like I just need to open the door and take some other temps right? I mean, no chance it's holding at 176 for 6-7hrs right? especially when the temp is turned to 200-250 ranges?
so, as I go to open the door... i notice it's now up to 180... i probe around and yep... it's all around 180... so closed the door... temp it back up to 200 (set to 250) and pork is up to 181... should be done soon..

the other piece is probably done cause it's smaller, but of course I put them on the same rack and it's at the back... so might get a little over done...
Originally posted by redwhiteblue56:
ok, I'll admit it....


Happens every time I smoke! I'm afraid, open the door, let out the heat...

No worries, you can always open the door, just remember to add more cook time at the end to compensate. More door opening equals more heat loss. Not much if you just open/close pretty fast, but leave it open for long, the all the heat dumps out and you have to add MORE time.

But sure, if you feel the need to mop or something go ahead.

One reason people mop is because of adding flavor and that I agree with

A second reason, to add "moisture" isn't necessary in a CS because it's a very humid smoker.
all turned out well. not as much flavor as i hoped... maybe needed more wood... used apple and hickory... about a 1 to 2/3 ration.. since the hickory has such a strong flavor.

was in a rush, so didn't get a chance to mix some rub with it when i pulled, instead shreded the bark the best i could and mixed through.

with sauce tastes great, but i've always felt if the sauce is good, you could do nothing and it will still taste good... the test for me is if i like it w/o the sauce.

thanks again for all the info/advice and help!

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