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Tuesday night I ate at Famous Dave's. Food was good, not great.

Anyway, about 5 hours after eating it I started to get sick as a dog! At first I thought it might be food poisoning but then I developed 103 fever and a sore throat. So I ruled out food poisoning.

But I ended up visiting the bathroom about 100 times ( no lie ) over the next 36 hours.

But as of right now almost 4 days later, it feels like I can't ever eat Q again! Just the thought of it makes me nauseous. And yet I do have my appetite back.

Man oh man, this better pass.
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I don't think this is all that uncommon Bodacious. A couple of years ago, I ate some shrimp just as I was coming down with the flu. I was not feeling right all day, but I really wasn't "sick". Anyway, the bug progressed, and by the next day I felt horrible. About two weeks later, I went out to dinner and ordered a shrimp dish. Tasted fine, but I could not force myself to swallow more than the first couple of bites. I felt like I was gonna be sick right there in the restaurant. Even though I knew it was completely illogical, I could just not stomach the shrimp. Bad news, since I love shrimp. I gave it a couple of months before trying shrimp again, and this time, everything was a-ok. So, just give it a little time.

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