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Ok, my pork shoulder will be ready today around 3, but dinner is not until 7. I have read that it's best to let the finished shoulder sit for 15 minutes, then pull it before it cools too much. If I do that, then what do I do with the pulled pork until 7? Refrigerate and reheat? Or should I double wrap the shoulder in foil, then a towel and put it in an ice chest...and pull it later? Does the foil/towel/cooler method continue to "cook" the meat? What should I do?
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Double heavy duty foil, beach towel, cooler is your best bet. Should be good for 4 hours. You could turn down the smoker setting to slow down the cooking process, say to 205, the pulling temp. Once there, I'd FTC it, maybe put another towel on top of it in the cooler. I leave the cooler sitting out in the sun instead of an air conditioned house. That's as long as you don't have to worry about critters.
Last edited by pags
What Pags said. To my way of thinking, a 4 hour FTC rest is perfect.

And if you're game, you can try something I learned a few years ago by mistake. I removed the shoulder from the cooler and was carrying into the kitchen when it slipped out of my hands and landed on the deck with a thud. Once I removed the T & F, I discovered it was about 80% "pulled".
Last edited by dls
LOL - I remember reading a thread years ago where a guy regularly FTCd. When pulled from the cooler (still fairly warm) he would drop the foiled & toweled butt (no cooler) on the garage floor from a 3-4 foot height; claimed very little pulling left to do & confirms dls' issue. I've never had the guts to give it a try! Roll Eyes
The FTC trick worked perfectly. I didn't drop it, but I might as well have. It fell apart.

Some notes: 7.8 lb boston butt, 15 hours at 225-250 degrees, and 2.3 oz. of hickory. Apple vinegar mopped at 6 hours and every 2 hours after that. Cooked to an internal temp of 200 degrees, then FTC'd for 3 hours. The only thing I would do differently is add more smoke. For my first smoke, I was being conservative.

Thanks again.
Originally posted by DMassey:
I have FTC a pork butt in a small 12 pack cooler and 5 hours later it is still to hot to pull without gloves

I tried a smaller cooler like that this weekend and you were right! After 4 hours, I burned myself while unwrapping the meat from the towel. My father was visiting and could not believe how hot and tender the meat was after sitting for 4 hours. He said that it's the most useful grilling/smoking trick he's ever seen. Y'all made me look good in front of my Dad. (Sniffle...tear... Roll Eyes ) Thanks again.

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