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Hey Tom,
Did the last Brisket I had frozen that I got from you when we went to Grant BBQ festival.

Man it came out the best of the lot, but it was a smaller brisket than the other ones, but when I opened the package and saw how the meat was, I knew it was gonna be good.

I mixed a tad of Cookshack Chili mix, Cookshack Rib mix and Cookshack BBQ mix with paprika, sugar, allspice, garlic, sugar, salt, ground black pepper and red chili pepper.

Did not baste or anything let it cook to 185 F and then took it off and let it rest 30 minutes and sliced on my el cheapo Rival slicer. Donna was oohing and ahhing about it. Wish I had a digital shore is pretty with a lovely smoke ring...

I use that Sadlers BBQ sauce (I prefer a tomatoey flavor without fake smoke flavor) that I get from Walmart...

Take care! Hope all is well!

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