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Hi neighbor....I did a small (1 1/2 lb.) tri tip roast a couple of weeks ago and it turned out great. Since I don't know what size roast you have or the type of smoker you are using you'll probably have to adjust accordingly.
-rubbed roast with Andi's dry brine/ cure(see seafood archives or do a search) and refrigerated for 4 hrs, then rinsed well.
-seasoned roast with worcestereshire, garlic powder, and CS chicken rub & refrigerated for another two hrs.
-set the smoker thermostat at 225 with 1 oz of hickory and cooked to an internal temp of 140. Approx. 2 1/2 hours
-turned smoker off, wrapped the roast in foil and returned roast to smoker for :30 min. The roast turned out medium but was moist & tender.
Don't know whether you have time for all this but if not, I hope this helps in the future
I am using a new cs/fe. I rubbed it with an Oregon tri tip rub I found on the OR. beef assoc. website. I plan to smoke for an hour then run up to your suggested 225. It has worked well in the past on my New Braunsfel offset and I hope for the same results. I think I'll try the foil also.
Earl...I mean a chunk, not chips, of seasoned hickory. My smoker came with a small package of hickory chunks that supposedly weighed 2 oz. each. They actually weighed anywhere from 1 3/4 to 3 oz. I saved one that weighed 2 oz. for a benchmark and now I use that for comparison...the 2 oz. chunk in one hand and the chunk that I plan to use in the other. As you can see I'm a devotee of the "swag" method (scientific wild ass guess). I only used what I estimated to be 1 oz. because I was trying to achieve a "light" smoke on a small roast, others would probably use 2 oz.
It turned out great!! I rubbed it up and threw it on with 3 racks of pork spares (each of which had a different rub), and they all came out perfect. Had a few friends over so I could brag up my new purchase and hand out samples. My buddy from Texas told me that I'd get beat up in Texas for using a pellet pit, but he would risk a butt whuppin' for that kinda cookin'.
I still need to get the igniter situation worked out, and that will come, meanwhile hats off to FE and the forum members for some great ideas and tips.

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