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BBQ Rib party for 10 scheduled for Monday using the AmeriQue for its third cooking. Using the new Rib shelves for the AmeriQue, prepped five full slabs using my own Rib Rub and cooking Smokin's mop sauce. Just waiting for 12 Noon Monday and it seems that Alberto is schedule to come right over Cedar Key Monday.

Not being daunted with a tropical storm moving in tomorrow we re-scheduled our guest for tonight sprinkled the ribs with rub this morning and spent an hour fitting the ribs into the new AmeriQue rib racks - problems with the ribs fitting the groves, but that is another story.

Using two chunks of apple and one pecan set the temperature to 220 and the time for four hours with intentions of checking for doneness, coating with Smokin's mop sauce and resetting for another hour or two as needed. At three hours into the BBQing the forerunner storms of Alberto moved in and the AmeriQue was outside on the porch. Removed the ribs from the AmeriQue - plenty of smoke and color already on the ribs, but they need another hour and half to finish. Put the AmeriQue in the utility, which was more important than the ribs at this point as the rains were coming in sideways and one 3 inch limb from a tree out in front of the house, fell to the ground.

Mopped and foiled the ribs, which I have never done before (always cook ribs entirely in the CookShack 55 and now the AmeriQue). Put them in a 250 degree range oven for another hour and half. By this time the rains had let up and the company was here. We sliced the ribs into two or three rib pieces and enjoyed smoky, juicy, tender ribs that the company went wild over. I didn't mention it was my birthday and the company brought along a cake with all the candles on it (won't say how many), but what a surprise when the candles came back on without being re-lit.

Got to put up the storm shutters - really enjoying the new AmeriQue. Wish everyone had an AmeriQue, but wouldn't wish tropical storms and hurricanes on anyone. Eeker

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