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Still trying to troubleshoot some issues with the 500...

I'm getting an uneven cook temp between each shelf. I have butts on the top shelf getting up to 195 while the bottom shelf is at 177-183. Some butts on the right side are 5-7 degrees higher than the left part of the chamber.

The 500 is inside under a hood system. I put a rain cap over the smokestack to slow down the draw. My guess is that it's not slowing it down enough.

For thOse that Know my issues, pellets are OK. I needed to replace ignitors. However, I'm still burning more than usual. Draft fans seem to be working OK, as far as I can tell.

One other issue I'm noticing, I'm having temp spikes and dives. If I set at 230, I'm going as high as 250 and as low as 220.

I use to open the fire box and see pellets in box smoldering at an even burn. All I see now is constant high flame burning.

I'm thinking my hood system may be drawing to much, causing it the need to burn faster to keep the temp regulated. That's why I'm getting uneven temps and difference in shelf cooking.

My thought is to attach a 90 on the smokestack, run it a few feet away from the hood draw.

My question: Is this OK? Am I thinking right on my problem? Any other issues I shpould direct my attention too before I try this idea?

Kiser's BBQ Shack
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There aren't many 500 owners in here. I'd call CS and discuss this with them direct as you have a lot of questions.

How can you get an uneven cook temp between shelfs in a rotisserie? Are you talking about within a "set" of shelves? Keep in mind airflow and heat. What you're seeing is temp differences and every smoke made has them. The key is knowing them and using them (put larger cuts in the hot zone, smaller in the not as hot)

As far as temps. When do you get those spikes. Is the door ever opened?

20 degrees high is probably overshoot from when it throws more pellets in, 10 degrees low isn't an issue. for me, that range is fine.

That's what I'm asking. Within the same arm, 15 degrees difference. I know that some butts cook at different paces. 15 degrees differnece though? Every cook? Don't mind an hour to an hour and half differnce in cook time between shelves. I'm pulling top shelf at 10:30am, bottom shelf at 2:30.

To me, it seems something is off in terms of airflow. I'll call CS to discuss.

I had a trailered 500. I have never had a problem like you have. I assume you have the middle rack removed. With the high velocity fan blowing, and a roaring fire in the pots, you should have pretty stable temps, as the racks are constantly moving through the hotter and cooler zones all the time. The only problem I had with my 500 is that when using all three racks, they are way too close together. I catered a large wedding and had it full of ribs. Beside not being able to sauce the second and third rows of ribs, and not being able to pick up the ribs to take off without removing the immediate rack above them, the one thing I found out was all the ribs on the middle racks took an extra half an hour to finish cooking. Not enough room between the racks to receive the same amount of heat on the middle ribs.

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