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If you are not injecting brine or brining your turkey,you may still wish to inject for flavor.

There are several commercial products out there,and you can make up your own.

Here is one that I have been using for about a year and seems to work well for me.
Scottie's Cajun Butter Turkey Injection

Smokin' may wish to move this to the recipe board,if he deems it a recipe.

Also, remember to save it to your hard drive-it may go away someday.
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Goodness Tom, you're just TOO good to me, keeping busy. Now, if you know I'm going to move it, why are you making me do the work, figure I don't have enough to do Wink

If you're worried your post won't get seen in recipes, post the recipe in that forum, but mention it here.

The only problem I have with posts like these, that link to other forums or pictures on other sites, is that eventually the link moves on those servers and then the post here doesn't make sense.

What I'd "prefer" is to repeat the recipe here, but give credit to the original post...

so, I'll put a post in recipes, just for you Tom Razzer


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