I got one of the FEPG's this year, and I was thinking about doing our turkey for Thanksgiving on the pellet grill instead of my FEC100 this year. Since the FEPG will reach a higher temperature than the FEC, I thought it would be interesting to experiment. Anyone tried a whole bird on the FEPG yet? Here is my plan--please feel free to offer your comments:
1) Brine & spatchcock
2) Lay bird on indirect portion of FEPG, legs pointed toward the searing chamber end
3) Cook @ 400 degrees for 1 hour, lower temp to 300 degree for remainder of the time until done
Alternatively, I may remove the legs and thighs, confit them with duck fat in my sous vide cooker, and only cook the breast meat on the FEPG. Any thoughts from you turkey experts out there? Thanks!
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