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Hi All,
I've got my first catering job!!!:-)
It's a small one and for my neighbour, but still it's a start. I've been smoking like crazy perfecting recipes and they sampled my pulled pork and slaw...loved it and have requested it for a post wedding day party. FYI, also smoked the best brisket EVER, thanks to the brisket site. I followed all the suggestions and it was great, juice squirting out and tasty, tasty, TASTY.
Logistics for catering: I'm doing it at home and using clients kitchen for reheating and other choice.
Cheers, Luba Big Grin
Original Post
hey luba, how is that catering going? just an idea for wife and i do alot of catering from our restaurant. we prepare everything a day ahead. we use aluminum full pans and half pans ( get them at sams ) to store in fridge. morning of the job, i reheat in my smoker, cover with foil, transport in a box big enough to handle pans. when the misses gets to the site, she uses sternos to keep the stuff warm. works great. you can get them at sams also. cheap and easy!

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