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MSG is a flavor enhancer and to my taste buds, it really does make a difference. HOWEVER, some people are sensitive to it, e.g. headaches, mild skin rash, hives ...and it was once thought to be a carcinogen at one time (don't know if that was ever scientifically proven). It used to be in all of the commercially prepared compound seasonings like Lawry's Seasoning Salt, Montreal Steak Seasoning, etc. It has been removed from all, if not most of those commercial seasonings.

Yes you can make any recipe without it - just a simple elimination - you don't need to substitute anything in its place. You might try a little rub with it and the exact same rub without and see which way you like it. IMO there is a difference in the flavor of cooked meats even though MSG by itself is relatively neutral in taste.
I agree with Mike. MSG really does enhance the flavor of foods, especially meat.

Until recently I thought the MSG thing was a bit over-hyped. We recently got some new neighbors and the husband told us about some of his trips to the ER because of MSG. I still use it but a little more moderatly. And, if I know we are having the neighbors over I go with a commercial rub instead of my homemade concoction.
There are plenty of good commercial rubs,and cookteam rubs,that have taken the msg out of their product.

Some folks now add them back in.

If I thought there was a problem with a guest,I'd leave it out.

Chances are your ribs will be so much better than what they have had,you could use just salt and pepper on them.

Folks tend to like bbq a little sweet,so a little sugar doesn't hurt.

Just my $0.02

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