I just ordered a Sinbo from the seller on ebay for $64.95 plus shipping and handling. I have a FoodSaver, and it sits on my limited counter space, but I sure don't consider it the wonderful machine that it is hyped to be. My complaints are like the others, the bags are expensive, the bags don't hold the seal, and for some reason the auto seal on mine no longer works, this may have to do with sucking some liquid into the pump, and it won't suck enough to activate the auto seal, but who knows. Therefore, when it sucks what I think is enough I have to hit the manual seal button. I do use it for jars, and the canisters that came with the unit from Costco.
I bought the Sinbo, because the bags are cheaper, the price is right, and some of the vendors seem to sell replacement parts if needed. I can get bags that have a zip lock top that you seal from the bottom, like a lot of the packaged goods we buy today.
I like to make jerky, but just put it in zip lock bags, because you don't use the whole bag at a time. I look forward with the Sinbo to making larger batches, sealing them in smaller vacuum bags, maybe even with an oxygen absorber, and being able to keep enough jerky on hand so I never run out if I get busy.