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one of the best sites for sausage supplies and recipes is:

They have a .pdf document with 138 pages of sausage recipes. Living close to Canada, I have the fortunate ability to just drive up to their store. But I have also done mail-order from them with great service. Plus you can take advantage of the favorable exchange rate.

With regards to venison sausage, I've done everything from using it instead of beef (with some beef fat added) to mixing it with the pork for standard breakfast sausage. Most sausage is pretty forgiving as long as you mix the appropriate spices.
So you think you know a little about us up in SERE Heaven... Think again. The only thing we teach them how to smoke is fresh water trout or newly killed rabbits, and that is under the most primitive conditions (under a parachute with pine needles or grass), then again in an evasion situation they can't use fire, so I guess it's just RAW. Then they just have to use there imagination.
As an Air Force aircrew member for now going on over a decade, the SERE instructors in my day gave us a rabbit, but they didn't put me in charge of it. When the Bronx, NY radio operator student freed the rabbit, there was some animated discussion about sustenance. After a couple of days, he got hungry, so I always mentioned rabbit stew. We also had the opportunity to make jerky, which I saw as a waste of time, I voted to make beef stew out of the beef, which we did.

Dang, AF survival school... where else can you be led in circles by an aircraft navigator and then be summararily tortured by your own Brothers-in Arms?

I had a deer stick its nose into the snorkel of my extreme cold sleeping bag (Dec 1989), and when I told my instructor about it, he said I need to quit licking frogs and eating mushrooms, but it really happened!

I also learned to sleep with my bunny boots in my sleeping bag, lest they get frozen solid in the winter night in Jan, Eastern Washington state. Took me two hours to thaw them out the next day, icy..
SERE DUDE!!!! Before I give you a recipe, riddle me this: Take a porcupine quill, dab it carefully on some Monkshood, thread it thru a leaf on the trail of the enemy. Do it face or hand-brushing level. Dead enemy. So, my question is, can you get this to the CIA for taking out Saddam?

You're from Maine: You eating Whitetails? Or do you call Moose Venison, too? Some folks do. I eat Moose and Sitka Blacktails. Caribou and reindeer. Make sausage all the time. The link Lonster gave you is the best I've ever seen. Even have it printed. But the directions are such that you must know sausage methods. Are you familiar with them? Smiler
As for the CIA info.. need to talk with the guys in SPECWAR.

Might be living in Maine right now but call Fairbanks my home, though haven't been back in 20 years. We get white tail up here, plus I take trips to western Virginia and normally limit out. Would add Moose to the menu, but around here it's a lottery and haven't been lucky yet. Might hunt Elk next year in Colorado.

Know some of the basics of sausage making, and that web page helped out alot.
Big Daddy's in Farbunks!
Best get up there and check out his Q!

Sausage making is a full-time winter and hunting season gig. I'm setting up now for commercial salmon smoking. I plan to make some Fishwurst this year again. Ever made fish sausage?

And anyone else out there who reads this; my computer went totally T.U. a few days ago and I had to do a Full Restore. As a result, I have lost all your e-mail addresses. E-me! And if ya'll don't have a firewall? I highly recommend ZoneAlarm Pro. Just stopped a worm as I type this.

Russ got his raise...for a whole two months, the cheapskates. So, I'll be right here for awhile longer smoking salmon in Moose Pass!

SERE Dude: I think my plan will work on Arafat, too! LOL! Wink

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