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I bought Rytek Kutas' Great Sausage Recipes and Meat Curing. All of the recipes call for holding 30-60mins at around 100-110 degrees with vents FULL open. How can one accomplish this in the CS? Do you leave door cracked? Also, I have not bought nor smoked yet, is this needed? Does it get rid of excess moisture? Jamey
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You'll find several threads and great information on smoking sausage in the "Sausage" forum. Leaving the door open a bit will help with getting rid of moisture and drying your sausage casings. The casings will not accept the smoke very well until the casing it dry or tacky. I usually go 1 hour at 100* with no wood door open and then another hour at 100* with wood and door shut before raising the smoker temp.
Thankyou. That is exactly what I was wondering. I've been through the Forums so I possibly could make a decision without having to ask a question but didn't find that answer. All other Smokers of this type have a 3in or bigger damper type on top. I really like the Amerique. I might just jump heavy from the beginning. Seems to have more room for hanging sausages anyhow.

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