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I made ONE slab of pork spare ribs yesterday. It looked great, it tasted great, it was moist BUT the end was dry? Specifically the smaller end was dry.

Is it normal that the skinny end of the spare rib is dry?
Did I not trim enough off the end of the rib?
Did I have the ribs in the smoker to long? The fat side of the rib was perfect!

My slab was 3.4 pounds. After trimming it was 3 lb and one ounce. I removed the membrane and removed the flap. In addition, I cut about half an inch from the skinny tip to make it look rectangleish.
Added mustard with a brush. Added rub (a sweet rub), Let sit for one hour with the rub on the kitchen counter. Placed in cold smoker (top shelf) with 2 oz apple and 1 oz hickory. Turned smoker to 225 degrees. I placed my thermometer on the top shelf in a wine bottle cork. I did not take temps of the ribs.

10:10 AM – cold smoker. Turn on and place ribs top shelf.
11:20 AM – 228 degrees
12:10 – 226
1:20 – 221
1:56 – 241
2:10 – 240 – flipped ribs from bone side up to bone side down, did the tooth pick test a few times (first time trying it). Though I got to much resistance. Sprayed with apple J. Kept the CS door open for to long (1 min)
4:10 PM – 210 degrees
4:40 – 215
5:10 – did not take temp. Opened door very fast to do toothpick test and look if the meat had moved off the bone. I did not think it was done.
6:10 PM – 235
7:10 PM – 218 took ribs out. Took 2 pictures, one each side.



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It's not unheard of for the small end to be dry, but my guess is you might have overcooked them. Based on your picture, I'm thinking taking them out at 5:10, or even 4:10 might have been your best option. I cook spares at 250*, and they're done when they're done and all, but that is usually about 5-6 hours for me.

Based on temps, your smoker is clearly working well, so skip the temp monitoring for a while. It's just one more thing to complicate your life. And if you don't open the door to spray, you won't need to open the door to spray because the moisture will stay in the cooker. One more thing you don't need to worry about.

So let's see, where are we? Do your rub as you have been doing. Place ribs in smoker set to 225-250*. Don't open door for any reason until 4.5 hours has passed. Test ribs. If not done, check every 30 minutes until a max of 6 hours has passed, then take out no matter what. Worst case they won't be "fall off the bone", but they will be done and edible. Next time you can go to 7 hours if you feel the need, but I'm guessing 5-6 will get them in your strike zone.

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