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Kinda off the wall, I know, but I don't really drink beer. I'll buy a few cases of beer for our pig roast on Saturday but really don't know one from another.

I'll get Coor's light since I know that my wife's family drinks that, but beyond that I have no idea.

Do certain types of beer go better with pork?
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...if the family likes Coors Light, I wouldn't try anything fancy on them Big Grin

I wouldn't stress about it at the last moment, Just a lighter beer, maybe a low carb beer since they'll be jumping all over your Pig and they'll need the room in their stomachs.

Like BBQ, it's all up to taste, whether you go for an Amber, or a Bock, or whatever
Topic: What beer goes well with pork?

Go with the Coors light for a mainstream beer for the family. Throw in an alternative that appeals to most people such as Heineken. Round it off with 2 or 3 local or regional beers that appeal to the diehards. Make a martini, sit back, relax, and don't worry about it. Enjoy the pig.
Keg Beer, Ice Cold

Ask the guy at your liquor store what's popular. Nobody will complain anyway. Coors Light is fine.

Start with a 1/2 Barrel. Have another 1/2 on reserve. If your crowd starts to peter out, which often happens after a feast, have a few cases of your favorite canned beer [my motto: it's not milk, it won't spoil] on hand and pull them out instead of tapping another keg, or just tap a 1/4 barrel.

I have 2 empty 1/2 Barrels and 1 full untapped 1/4 barrel to return Tues. and a nice supply of canned beer to sip on for a while. We had our party Sat. night.

Cigars are good to have also. As a host it is expected of you.

Good luck, Roger
"BBQ - Smoked Beer, Steam, Ale or Pale Ale, Porter These beers are medium to heavily bodied, with good bitterness to stand up to the strong flavors of a BBQ. While these beers are bitter, they are also full of malt and the porters are somewhat roasty and often coffee-like. The ale and pale ale are fruity and go well with all meats."

For more info, visit the page I borrowed this from:
All beer goes with pork, so I'd just buy whatever the crowd likes. Some people only drink lighter beers, such as Coors and Coors Light, MGD, Bud, etc.

However, if your crowd is like me and many of my friends, who like tasting various microbrews, you can get a lot of wildly different microbeers for people to try, everything from beers with fruit mixed in (i.e., an Apricot Ale) to Belgium White beers such as Blue Moon (which isn't bitter but has spices in it such as coriander and kind of a hint of what I describe as a "banana" taste), to Porters, which to me are very heavy and have a coffee taste, as MainelyDave pointed out.

So if you think your partygoers are adventuresome, buy a bunch of different six packs of various microbeers, and as they try them all, the various beers and tastes will be the talk of the party (besides the fine-tasting pork, of course Big Grin ).

If they are not that adventuresome, maybe get some "lighter tasting" microbeers (even though these brands are mass produced now) in addition to your Coors Light. These would be like Sam Adams, Michelob Amber Ale, Killian's Red, and I'm not sure if you have Leinenkugel's in Philly, but if you do, they make a lot of cool, different, lighter-tasting microbeers such as: Northwoods Lager (probably don't have that in Philly), Big Butt (that leaves the door open to many jokes for the person who drinks this brand), Honey Weis (a really light beer with honey in it ... very nice for hot weather), and Berry Weis (very sweet, almost like half beer, half berry wine ... but popular with the ladies).

We were at a graduation party in June, and the different Leinenkugel's brands were the most popular with the crowd and they were the first to run out.

On another note for all you beer lovers out there, if you have friends who like to try different beers, try this at your next party: Call it a Microbrew Party, and tell everyone who comes and who wants to participate, to bring a six pack of any microbeer or unique beer (no Bud or MGD or any other mainstream beer) to add to the "community cooler." And if they get a brand that they've never tasted before, that's all the better.

So everyone donates a six pack of microbrew "to the cause," and then they can drink that beer or any of the various kinds of beer they find in the cooler. It's a great way for people to try all kinds of different beers, its a fun theme for a party, and then you can feed 'em with some smoked pulled pork or brisket, and between the food and beer, people will talk about it for years to come.

OK, gotta go ... this posting is way too long, and I'm getting thirsty and hungry Smiler .
Well, after striking out on all the beers I wanted to buy, I ended up taking the easy way out.

I bought 2 different cases of samplers... Sam Adams, and a local one, Weyerbacher.

Still a lot of work to do before the party, and my wife was called out of town --- actaully to England --- for this whole week. She'll be back Friday, just in time to help me pick up the pig....

When it is all done I will send Smokin' some pictures. In fact, I'll be taking a lot of video and putting together a 5 - 10 minute video of the event. Also, a first, as I have iMovie on my new Apple notebook computer.

Should be a blast. Thanks everybody.
Actually your choice of beer or wine can change as the meal progresses.
Starting off, while people are waiting for the food to cook or waiting for the meal to be brought to the table, you can have a white wine or a very pale ale or wheat beer . These choices pair up well with the salad or seafood that people sometimes have before the main courses.
If you are serving Poultry or a meat that is somewhat on the low end of spicy and has a mild BBQ sauce , make sure you serve a sparkling wine or a Brut Cava. If you are drinking beer then make it a medium to strong Lager.
And of course if you are having dessert that is rich with cream or chocolate then you would like to serve a red wine or a stout beer such as Guiness.
And of course if all else fails.......drink a budweiser!!!!!!
I personally boycott Samual Adams.

I believe they sponsored the contest out east to see who could be the most outragous, a few years back.

The winners won by engaging in a sex act in the back of a Catholic Church.

As far as Schell's goes, I'm old enough to remember that as being low end $3.00 a case beer. Around here the only people I know that drink it are from New Ulm where it is brewed.
Well, I dont drink much beer. Never cared for the taste much. But I LOVE peppermint schnapps! Any season of the year, day or night. Its a fine sipping drink. Mix mine with Diet Pepsi. I know it sounds odd, but it sure is good. Or a nice spicy Bloody Mary. Mmmmm...

It's a LONG time till 4:00 here now.

OK, so here is the deal. The BBQ went great, or so I heard.... I'll post later. But here is the scoop on the beer.

Yes, I bought 2 cases of Coor's light and 3 other cases. Plus somebody bought 2 cases of beer --- Killians Red, and some other beer.

About 2 hours into the pigroast my wife's family went out and bought more Coor's light.... which just goes to show you, free beer apparently isn't always the best beer!

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