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Butts are so much fun becuase you get to say butt a lot...

Anyway, I'm cooking 8 butts for a graduation party. When and How should I rub the butts?

Normally, I just sprinkle on a pretty good amount of rub, cover in plastic, refridgerate over night and toss in the smoker.

Should I coat the butt in yellow mustard?
Is there any advantage to let them sit over night?
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Now, now, fellas...M.Angler asked a serious question of the forum and I think he deserves a serious answer.

I like to coat my butt with yellow mustard then apply heavy amounts of rub, then spank it real hard...yes, that's it, spank it hard...oh ya baby..., ahem...then wrap it in plastic and put it in the fridge overnight.

I don't know if it makes any difference, but I apply mustard to butts, ribs, and chuck roasts before applying rub. I think the rub sticks better when a light coat of mustard has been applied first.
Last edited by smokinmaineiac
The only difference I have ever found from putting mustard on a pork butt before the rub is that it raises the saltiness of the bark to my tastes. And while I like salty, it would be too salty for the majority of the public. So I just stick with straight rub on my pork butts.

BTW, I trim the pork butts up about four-five hours before going on the smoker. Apply the rub after trimming, place them in an unused garbage bag and keep them in the cooler until they go on the smoker. Just how I was taught.
If you like a lot of bark, more rub will help, and there's a couple ways to accomplish this. The mustard will allow more rub to adhere, but a trick Tom has taught me works just as well. Apply a heavy amount of rub, then let the butt sit for an hour (no pun intended). It'll get wet during the wait and the moisture will allow it to take on more rub. After I learned this, the mustard seemed like a waste.
My preference is to apply a generous amount of rub 6-8 hrs. prior to smoking. I wrap them in plastic tightly and apply a light coating of rub again, just prior to smoking.

Painting them with mustard before applying rub is an option used by some cooks. Conventional wisdom who do use mustard suggests that the mustard helps "glue" the rub to the meat. My take is that an over-night wrap with rub produces the same results.

Try both methods and see what works best for you.

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