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We're having a get together at a buddy's house across town tomorrow afternoon, and I was volunteered to smoke a couple of pork butts. Since my last butts took right at 20 hours to get to the 195 degree range, I decided that it would be best to smoke them in advance of the party.

Right now, I'm 15:45 into my two butts and have an internal of 179*. FWIW, I started at 9 am and kept the temperature between 215 and 230 for most of the day. I plateaued at 149-150, but once I overcame the plateau, I've had a nice, steady increase to it's current temp. I did bump up the cooking temp to about 250* sometime around the 12 hour mark. I expect that I'll reach the 195-200 range within another couple of hours.

My question is, should I go ahead and pull immediately (following a cool down period, of course), or should I wrap them whole and pull them when I arrive tomorrow afternoon before we eat at 4ish? I know it's late, but if any of you night owls have a suggestion, let me know!

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Pull 'em as soon as they're done. The hotter they are, the easier they will be to pull. You can store the pulled meat in some zip-locks or something. Some folks advocate adding a little apple juice to the storage container. Do a search on re-heating pulled pork, and you should get lots of ideas and recommendations.
wow 20 hours???!!! I smoked with the CS 150 and loaded with Butts.....set on 195 and smoked for 12....held for 3 and fell apart. Are you using a CS or is this done with wood/charcoal? Sounds good though!

Definately pull right away. If you are going to sauce anyway...I usually make a very runny version of my sauce and mix it in.....when it sets overnight the meat soaks it in. Then reheat in crock and add more sauce if you wish. Apple Juice works great though.

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