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Made a breakthrough with Publix.
No briskets on the shelf when I arrived to prepare for my BBQ main event. So I sqawked at the nearest butcher. He said the briskets were all on the shelf, right over there. So I looked again. No briskets. I told him so. So,he came out on the floor and looked at the shelf. No briskets! Duhhhhhhh.
So, he went back behind the counter and came out with a large package. It was titled: "Whole Brisket." This is what them boys get from where ever, and then they chop up to serve to those of the public not known to Smokin Okie. The butcher said, nobody wants the big slabs. But I said, I do!
It's the size of a garbage can top. About 6.5 lbs, so that's not too daunting. (Cost an arm and a leg. Jeeze, what sort of hobby is this.) It seems to have many corners and points. I think the "dekle" is one of them.
How do you spell dekle, and how do you know which part of this many pointed slab of flesh is that particular part. (I intend to do "Kansas City burnt ends" if it kills me. And I recommend them to you, tooooooo.)
To close, while the rest of you sophisticates sleep in, snug and smug in your Cookshack convenience, I intend to arise at 0400 to beat my fire breathing offset iron horse into life.
But, the results........... oh my god
PS: Tom, on your advice, I ate slices of jalapeno raw, with a dash of vinagrete. My hair grew back.
PS: Mike Rochman: Tom has a point about ancho peppers. I put about a teaspoon of ancho pepper powder in a cup of your rub, and it does good things...mysterious things...I think Tom says it "rounds out" the flavor. Oooooooooo. You should try it.
Acarriii. (And thanks for any anatomy tips on that brisket. I'm trying to learn. I'm trying. I'm trying.) Red Face
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I KNEW you never read my posts...

go check out the Photos in Brisket 101 (go to the Guide page for the easiest links) and you'll see a Packers Cut brisket, then cut into the deckle and the flat. You'll also see an average size one of 11 lbs (yup, your 6 pounders is very small -- but it will work)

all that hard work, just knew it wasn't being read... Wink

You can lead a forum member to the forum but you can't make the read... LOL

In the fall, I'll be revisiting some of the 101s and including questions about the various 101s.

p.s. It's spelled Deckle
p.s.s. And that's why I didn't move to florida, they can't spell deckle (and the briskets cost too much)

Let's see, 4am....hmm, I was dreaming about...

Good Luck AC.
Consider my whooped, Smokin. The instant I hit "post" I remembered you actually have a photo over in brisket 101.

But then again, had I gone there instead, I would have missed a chance to aggravate you. Say, have you heard who is pre-season #1 in the nation in college football? Acarriii. Cool
...and the Shark Bytes....Hey, it takes more than a little deckle to get me going. Did you get your answer in the 101 AC?

You don't smoke Naked? isn't it hot, standing out there by the woodburner AND in Florida? How do you stay cool.

My cookshack is in the garage, smoking away on some ribs and I'm sitting by the pool have a cold one.

...and the DEFENDING National Champions...

...are NOT from Florida.

And would you rather be #1 NOW or at the end of the season... Wink

See 'ya in Pasadena and we'll have the biggest party Cookshack ever thought about having. So, we now support each other through the season, THEN we'll have it out...



and now, back to that small brisket you bought...
Hey,acarriii.....Top Chef is right on.....I know you have some SuperWalmarts there and they almost always have packers from $0.99 to $1.19...You might even get lucky and find some choice briskets in the mix.................Maybe you should suggest to Smokin' that there be a preseason World championship......The 3 Florida teams and the team out by him with the Gator coaching staff. Wink ...He knows that in the fall of the year my blood still runs Sooner Red,so I can't kid him. Big Grin

Did you find your answer about Deckle over in 101? I know there are a lot of pictures, but let me know if you can't pick it out.

The key will be getting a large enough one with the deckle still on (and try the places the guys suggest, I've had good luck with Sam's, BUT look for Choice, not select)

Let me know.

Well, here's a report. First, the brisket I cooked yesterday had no deckle. I confirmed that with the aid of Brisket 101. (How's that for a plug, Smokin?) So, what I salvaged for burnt ends is precious little. But, the dish itself was ottasight. Took the expected 10 hrs.
Second, I went to Sam's Club to check. They have the same slab of meat for 1/2 price. 6lbs for $12 instead of $22 at the other place. (Guess I join the club.)
But, there's more. The Sams product was labled "brisket flat." So, I found the butcher and he said I really didn't want the whole thing. He said it's huge. He thought I was nuts.
So I went away. Still deckleless.
But, am I right to assume that WITH the deckle you get those large 10-14 lb weights? These flats are big,(wide) but not heavy. Make sense?
I'm about deckled out, man! acarriii
it's an adventure, just remember that.

..I can't believe I ate the whole thing.

Go for the whole thing AC, and we'll go from there. The pictures should be of help when you come home and compare what you bought to what is in the photos.

Flats usually are small and with little fat and has those inherent problems of drying out without the fat to help.

I don't think you'll find any 10lb flats. If so, they're butchered a little weird and probably have a little fat on them.

If you want to get burnt ends, you'll need the deckle. When you get one and cook one, you'll see a very very different texture in the deckle. While the flat will almost look like a roast when it's cut, the deckle has lots more fat in it and the consistency will actually be more tender because of the flat.
Smokin, let me highlight one "lesson learned" about this brisket business. I think you were commiserating with someone the other day whose brisket turned out "dry." In my town, several of the stores put up packages marked "brisket," but they are 2-3lb highly trimmed, fatless slabetts. To a neophyte, that's a trap. You tote that piece of lean beef home because it says "brisket" and, in fact, in the parlance of the BBQer, it's not a brisket. It's not a Qer's brisket. Maybe it's good for a chuck roast recipe.
Interesting, no? When's a brisket not a brisket?
Acarriii Cool

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