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A recent smoked salmon filet wound up with a few gobs of white glop on top. Sort of like soft-boiled egg white. Didn't taste bad, but was sort of ugly, so I wiped it off best I could with a paper towel. Is there a better way to handle this stuff, or better yet, to avoid getting it to start with?

P.S. My vote's 100% in favor of Smokin'. This, along with Primo Grill and GrillDome, is a great forum! I honestly don't understand the whole controversy over refiling posts.
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Oops, forgot to look in the archives. It seems not to be fat, but rather a coagulated protein gel. The same stuff as comes out of bratwurst when they're poached before grilling.

That said, it's worth trying stronger/longer brining as Andi suggests to see if it draws off some of the loose proteins.

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