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I know that it is not advisable to smoke a whole turkey in my smokette. I have had great success with turkey breasts in the past (one per week in the winter!) and was wondering if I could cut a whole turkey up into a breast and the THighs/legs and smoke that?

Obviously this would "work". But would it be safe? I know that food safety is a big topic, and I would not want to "thin the guest list" if you know what I mean.....

Has anyone done this? Any Advice?

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If I cut it up and run it at 250, do you think maybe a 6 hour smoke?

I usually do a breast for about 4 hours (165 deg)

I know its done when its done, but my wife bought a whole turkey and wants it smoke for friends on saturday night. The catch is, I will not get home from a trip until Sat AM around 11. I am thinking that we should just get two turkey breasts and call it a day with what we know.

Small whole turkeys (~12#) work wonderful in the 008/009. I've done quite a few now.. and, other than the skin pullin back in the breast area.. they are very do-able. I've not cut them up.. rather, brined them as per Smokin's Brining 101 and cooked everything to 175 and pulled the bird out.. wrapped in foil for an hour and served. They have always been cooked to a "T"
I've owned a Smokette for 5+ years now and have smoked several turkeys during that time up 20Lbs with no problems ever. As matter of fact, the 20lb birds seem to come out better than the 12 - 14 lb birds. Smoke them all at 200 degrees until internal temp reaches 170 degrees. Haven't killed anyone yet!
It's very safe. Ya don't have to brine it.. but I do as I think it keeps the breast moister. I watched a program on TV the other day that did a great job of explaining what happens in brining.. essentially opening up the meat so that more water invades it.. thereby keeping it from drying out as rapidly. The CS already is moisture conservative.. meaning that it doesn't dry the meat out the way a logburner can.

As far as safety is concerned.. it is MY OPINION that the meat in a CS doesn't stay in the danger zone long enough to breed enough bad guys to do anyone any harm. I may be wrong about that and I'm sure someone will correct me if I've mis-stated something.. but, I'm still typing and I've not payed any attention to that danger zone from the standpoint of meat size. That said, I don't let meat sit on the counter (come up to room temp) after I take it out of the fridge. It goes directly into the smoker.
I tend to agree with you. I think that I am caught in the middle between those who err on the side of caution all the time and those who use common sense.

I wonder if we could get a definitive Turkey decision...I would smoke a turkey a week if I could pop a whole one in.

Originally posted by Tuxedosmoker:
[qb] I wonder if we could get a definitive Turkey decision...I would smoke a turkey a week if I could pop a whole one in.
TuxedoSmoker [/qb]
I think if you receive a definitive answer.. It would be on the err side.. ie, err on the side of caution. However, practical has worked for me.. that said, I don't push limits. I rub it the night before, pull it from the frig and put in smoker at 225�F.

I love poultry and have it at least once a week. I did buy 8 12#'ers in the weeks before Thanksgiving when supermarkets have them at VERY low prices.. Once a month or so works for me.

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