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I'd like to reinforce Smokin's advice about keep it simple first time out.....I'd probably slather on a little mustard or vinager to make that rub stick overnight.....You need to use a pretty good coating of rub....I'd sprinkle it good again Sunday morning,before you put it in the CS.....I'd skip the injection this time out and if you feel you have to mop,I'd wait till about 4 or 5 hrs. and then again in a couple hours.Get your door closed up quick and relax till your internal gets around 200 degrees....I'd use a vinager sauce like Smokin' or Stogie has posted in the recipe forum to sprinkle on while I pulled and then at the table. This should give you a nice traditional tasting butt and you can vary it to your tastes next time. Make up a little cole slaw while you're waiting and be sure you have some cheap buns....BBQ Heaven. Wink
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