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Looking to possibly buy an FEC 100. I have a Smokette now and want to upgrade. Might even consider something bigger if the price is right. I would love to have one of the rotisserie style cookers. I have considered entering the competition arena and already smoke for lots of friends and neighbors. This forum is great. Been lurking for a long time!!

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You can't go wrong with the FEC100. I have one along with a 500. Going to buy a second 100 in Jan. So I can have two for doing comps.
If your looking at the bigger units, the 300 might be a good one to look at, depending on how much you want to do at one time.

Someone had a FEC100 on the boards in the FEC owners Forum. I think it is NC.

Yea, I saw that for sale. Pretty far from OKC.
Thanks to you guys for helping me get started. Thanks to Team Butcher BBQ for the PMs and offer of info and assistance.
Anybody going to the class at Cookshack Dec 8-9?
I called today to try to get in. Waiting on a call back from Cayley. Hope they still have room.

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