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I just pulled the following quote from a jerky FAQ site,,,what do you guys think ?

"Smoking is actually a form of drying that offers additional flavor to the final product without the extreme dehydration that is found in true jerky. That said, since smoked meat is not actually jerky it will not be a focus of this FAQ."
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Personally I find their definition "flawed".

Smoking can actually be a more dry environment than just air methods, so the words "without the extreme dehydration" is just nothing more than someone typing something and not understand what they said. But they said OVEN drying IS???? Oh and Microwave is on their list as okay (not recommended, but okay).

My guess would be they no nothing about using a smoker to make jerky.

Wow, hadn't heard of the Jerky Police before, hmmmmm. But the site is very small, mostly paragraphs and full of Google Ads, so there are better and more thorough resources out there. (like this one)

Smoke 'em if you got 'em (jerky that is)

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