My smoker after many years of great tasting eats, has died on me. My last smoke the temp controlor stuck in the on position and melted the wire going into the back of the unit. Thank goodness I was home and no damage to garage or other property as the circut breaker shut things down before any further damage could be done.
The cause was the plastic housing on the rear of the Jumo controler was busted and cracked. However I am not sure what caused this.
Now I am at the point where I am trying to decide whether I should upgrade it to a new Jumo digital controler or should stay with the old Bulb and Cappillary style controler.
Knowing that my warranty is way past due I not concerned with voiding my warranty as I have none.
Has anyone out there upgraded there old controler with a new digital controler? I thought about updating it to the new AQ controler, however I am not intrested in running the unit lights out any more in my garage.
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