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Did a 6.5 pound bone-in butt between 215 and 250 for about 13 hours ('til it was done of course) over 4 oz of hickory. Rubbed with Stubb's Rub and refrigerated 24 hours before going in the cooker. Rubbed again and in it went.

I used Smokin' Okie's apple/vinegar baste and servin' sauce for basting 3 times after the smoke was done to keep things moist. The result was perfect. A nice bark and the meat just pulled apart itself, juicy and tender. My only change will be to try apple wood next time, and a bit more, maybe 6 oz.

I separated the bark and moistened it a bit in a pot with more of the basting sauce before mixing it in to the rest of the pulled pork. It gave it the perfect finish, just a hint of the sauce to compliment the pork flavor.

Served it all up on sweet egg buns with Stubb's spicy BBQ sauce and a simple mustard mayo coleslaw. Beans and corn on the side.

I even got a couple of wary folks new to fine BBQ to try the sandwich with the coleslaw on it. The verdict? Thumbs up all 'round!

Once again, thanks to the invaluable information on the forum. Cheers, Smokin' Okie!
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Good job, Robbi! I did a butt recently that was very, very good. I didn't tell my wife, however, that I put a liberal dose of Smokin Okie's vinegar mop into the leftovers. She had some the next day, and told me the pork was much better than when we first ate it. I tried some and agreed. I did add a little all-spice, however. In my opinion smokin's mop is the most compatible sauce I have found with pork.

There are two seasons here in America, road construction and Sooner football. Aren't you all glad that the first is behind us?

How are you? I recommend starting with that and adding spices, seasoning as needed. It's a traditional Carolina style and it does well with pork.

Yup, back into the season after a week off, this week Iowa State (never did hear back on the challenge) and next week Texas.

Was planning on going to the American Royal but just can't be there this year. Always like judging there.

I am excited that the number one team in the nation will be playing in Ames this weekend. I am not sure who they are going to be playing against, but it should be a nice workout for Oklahoma. I fully intend to honor the wager. And don't worry, there will be no strychnine in the guacamole. A liberal rack of pork ribs with baked beans and a special salad are on the menu.

Hey How you doin? You don't have to show up just for the wager. You're still a good member in standing in the forum.

Unfortunately your team has just had a BUNCH of injuries.

Probably can't make it to the game, it would have been fun if we could have planned an all day cook somewhere.

Maybe we can all go to Florida for the winter and Tom will host a forum party...but it would have to last for days and days....

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