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Well, I woke up this morning having no clue what i'd find, but knew I would learn so much from my new grill. I had the temp set at 240* and settings at 20&50 with the outside air temps at 40* last night. With these settings I can expect temp fluctuation from around 230-242*, so yeah I basically was cooking at 235*. My findings so far.

1. pit was still running flawless. I had some moisture built up on the top inside of my pellet box. This tells me that I had the exhaust a little backed up, really doesn't surprise me. The butts were pretty tight in there.

2. The end of two butts that were closes to the pot, which may have over handed a 1/4" was at 188*, while the other end of the butt was 170*, the other two butts were 168-170* on both ends. This might interest a comp cook that wanted to chunk and slice a butt, I'll store this info in my mind.

3.Couldn't get a probe in any PB's because of where the probe hole is placed in the smoker, oh well! I have them wrapped in foil with some marinade in the foil, rotated and back on the pit. Nice looking PB's thou!
Yes Tim, the air was cold and windy. The HHT could probably been a little higher, my smoker would drop 12* before starting the climb back up and then would only over shoot 2*. It didn't stay at set temp very long before dropping. This morning when it warmed up a little and the sun was shining on it. It would overshoot by 5* before dropping.

I'm guessing 15,60 may have been a better setting, will work on this a little more. I just know that in this part of the country it will be nice to be able to have different settings for all the weird type of weather we get.

Just from one night to the other it seemed that in those conditions that the HHT raised by 10 helped about 3-4* on lower temp range and setting from 10 to 20 raised the over shoot by 2*. I do know if you change one it will effect the other, think of them as under and over temp controls.

The last thing I learned was this thing eats 3 times as many pellets as the FEC100 on PBs, but does produce a little better smoke ring.
It is a very versatile smoker/grill. The biggest adjustment I had to make was not worrying about temps swings, as they are needed for GREAT smoke production.

The indirect side on my grill has very even temps.I find that ribs are nice smoked on it.

Down side is it can consume pellets at a faster rate then my FEC, as a smoker...but I keep a good size stash of them in Sonja's garage!

You'll love it as a grill and smoker or I know I do. I don't do as much as high heat grilling as I thought I would, instead I grill a lot at the 300* temp using 15,75 settings.
Originally posted by 2nd Hand Smoke:
Does it grill well at the 300 temp? Why do you grill at that temp instead of hotter?

I do a LOT of chicken, cook for a while on indirect side and finish on direct side. I would be only guessing, but I would say grill grate temps would be around400-425* at that setting.

I find on steaks that I put them in the cold smoking box for a while and then direct cook them at these temps. Always get good sear marks.

Guess I just need to grill/practice more at higher temps?

I do a lot of hamburgers and these temps work well for that,okay I'm probably just lazy and don't do anything but turn it on.
Originally posted by 2nd Hand Smoke:
I think it will go along well with my FEC100 as it will be nice to have 2 pellet smokers to cook at different temps and also be able to grill with wood pellets. Does it grill well at the 300 temp? Why do you grill at that temp instead of hotter?

That's why I have two FE's... Big Grin

Actually I like the FEPG for small cooks. One rack of ribs, one butt, one brisket etc.

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