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First, some background.

I've decided that this year is the year that I either supplement or replace my Pitt's & Spitts 24 x 48 with the upright cabinet offset with a long cooking cabinet style smoker. While the P&S has produced very good Q after some extensive mods (tuning plates; addition of a Guru system, enlarging the upper rack); factors such as the lack of a steady supply of local hickory and oak to feed the stick burner; short tend times and lack of sleep on long cooks; and lastly I need just need more room and a new toy have me looking at the smokers mentioned in the title of the thread. I'm posting this on all three manufacturer's forums as well as the Smoke Ring forum to get the widest variety of information from users and owners of these pits. So please give me your insights and thoughts.

The specific models that I'm considering are the Backwoods Professional; A Cookshack FEC100 and a Stumps GF. So if you have one, what drove you down the path that you took?

Some specific issues from what I read/heard/seen (please address if you have thoughts/experience)

Backwoods Professional:
I'm looking at this with convection & the water refill features

-The largest of the 3 with the most capacity.
-The most expensive
-Seems to have the shortest burn time
-Charcoal/wood fuel system
-I don't have a garage; can this unit be stored in a shed or outside covered?

Cook Shack FEC100

-Pellet muncher – have to have pellets shipped in
-I don't have a garage; can this unit be stored in a shed or outside covered?
-I've seen/read a number of reports of grease fires in these units
-Is this a convection type unit or do you have to rotate racks?


-With the transition is the GF224 or GF234 still available?
-Smallest capacity of the 3
-Reports of flashover fires & door seam leakage
-Charcoal/wood fuel system
-No electric required
-Hotspot/thermal issues

Lastly if anyone has one of these units in the Vriginia/DC/Maryland area and would be willing to talk to me/let me look at their unit I'll bring the beer!
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Your cooker sizes don't compare apples to apples! I have multiple FEC100s and a BWS Fatboy (latest addition). FB cooks totally different from FEC or Stumps, with moisture & convection. Looked at Stumps, have friends with FEC100 and Stumps. Can't compare the technology of Cookshack to either of the others. I think you'd not go wrong with any of the three. All good cookers with different characters!
I have a Stumps GF 223 and an FEC 100. I agree with Candy Sue. Both are different smokers that I bought for different needs. Both cook excellent BBQ, almost hands free. Both will allow you to cook overnight and in extremely cold weather. Both are very versatile cookers.

I bought the Stumps to take to comps where electricity is not available and as a backup should something happen to the FEC. I like the ability to smoke without adding wood chips or chunks. The FEC gives me that ability that the Stumps doesn't. In the end both have produced champion barbecue but mainly because of the cooks operating them.

In the end if you can't decide, get one of each! Smiler

Best of luck with your decision.
Cook Shack FEC100

-Pellet muncher – have to have pellets shipped in
-I don't have a garage; can this unit be stored in a shed or outside covered?
-I've seen/read a number of reports of grease fires in these units
-Is this a convection type unit or do you have to rotate racks?

The versatality of the FEC100 by far out reaches the competition. The ability to cook and hold is unlike any other solid fuel cooker on the market with this standard feature. You can also use this feature for go up to higher then set point temps to. The capability to cook by probe as an added upgrade is also unique. The FEC100 is ready to cook in less then 15 min. Pellets burn up to less then 2% ash and there fore clean up afterwards is at a minimum. All the parts including the rack hangers are removeable for cleaning and there fore the FEC is NSF approved compared to the others are not. The inner and outer cabinets are 100% stainless and won't rust sitting out. We also have custom made covers that are made so you can cook with them on the unit. The FEC100 with the new IQ4 controller uses 1/2# of pellets an hour at 250 degrees. Even buying pellets delivered to your door step UPS from a couple of differant sources your looking at 43 cents an hour operation. The recovery of temp is the fastest of any cooker out there. It does have convection air movement in the cooker due to the forced air draft on the fire. Any cooker that is not cleaned and goes above 350 degrees and the heat source comes from the bottom of the unit can flash fire the grease. What other cooker mfg will give you a 30 day money back gaurantee? We are that confident you will love the FEC!

Got two butts, two briskets, loin back ribs, corn on the cob for munching and a ribeye steak cooking for breakfast. Been running all night. You can see the small amount of ashes. You gotta love it!! Took a first in pork and a fourth in chicken at this contest.

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