Ok, and they're off and running. Just put two 12lb Choice Angus packer cuts in the CS.
Set the pit temp to 200 and am going to leave it there until the Polders read at least 140. Maybe the whole cooking, time permitting.
Burning about 10oz mesquite with a couple of briquettes for color. Cooking for the next 10-11 hours and then changing to second wood box with 12oz mesquite in the morning.
Going to try and build a bark. Probably won't work unless we fridge them and re-warm. Our goal is to achieve barks similar to offset cooking. Doubtful, but we shall see.
Rubbed one with our rub. Rubbed the other with garlic pepper, onion salt and Cavander's. If any of you haven't tried Cavender's yet, it's a seasoning that tends to work with most everything...steaks, chops, veggies, soups, etc., etc. If interested, will post direct source to buy it by the pound, cheapo.
BTW, if there are any ribeye lovers in the house, garlic pepper and onion salt make a heck of a seasoning.
Regards, Mike
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