Pags,keep in mind the point about saving a point out of a 180 score.
Kinda like a world class sprinter running 9.95 seconds in the 100 meters,and getting beat by a guy running it in 9.93 seconds.
Buying the same brand of shoes as the winner,may not make us old ,untrained runners that fast.
You've cooked long enough and pay attention to what you are doing,so hopefully you cook a couple side by side, that has only
one injected.
Then,if you know the difference,you have something to hang onto.
Now folks that get a great brisket,and get lucky with their random cooking technique,may think that is the "super secret" .
They may inject the next 25 and think their cooker is broken,when they turn out poorly.
Most folks that have cooked a few contests have watched the first time category winner confuse blind luck/bad judging as skill and repeat the same super secret until they get frustrated and sell the cooker.
Thus,Smokin' always preaches change one thing at a time and take great notes.
Let us know what you think about the cook and have fun.