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I wanted to try out their Brisket injection especially since all I can find around here is unmarked packers, they have been good but would like to try something different. I would like to inject my next victim but after injection won't be able to cook it for a little over 24 hours. Anybody have an opinion on that. I think I will cut it with more water than it asks for to keep the salt taste down, any other thoughts other than give her a go and see what happens.
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For a first time I wouldn't do anything different than exactly what it says on the package.

If you're going to cut it with more liquid and do it longer, you really won't have a baseline.

Why 24 hours in advance. I'd do it just before cooking if you really want to know. 1 to 4 hours (I think David likes 4 or so).
Now, how is it my fault Cal, your wife didn't fall for that when you blamed it on me did she?? Oh, she doesn't know, I see how that works. Big Grin
Mine turned out OK, sorry that's all I can give it on one try, I think that possibly it overcooked. I checked it at 190 and it was like butter, maybe the injection helps to lower the desired temp, I don't know. I guess I'll have to try another but I only bought the sample pack of brisket and pork so I'll have to get some more one of these days. It was probably one of my best but we need more than one sample to make a proper opinion.
How long did you let it set? Was it a good brisket or one of the ungraded?

I blame all this smoking on the WIFE, it has worked so was her that gave my 020 to me for Xmas...and after the contest this weekend she is going to have problems getting me a FEC100 for Xmas.I just know it! LOL

Hey David,

Can Bubba and I get a discount on bigger jugs? We have been known to share.
Originally posted by route66:
... I plan on using a little pineapple juice this weekend and another using some Agavi with a hint of Raspberry. I'll post my thoughts and findings after.

Well, you posted, so my thoughts.


Pineapple, Raspberry for Brisket. Nah, not me.

Sure, you can, but why ruin beef with such fruity flavors. Maybe chicken/poultry or something.

But that's just me, beef to me has such a unique strong taste I don't try to mask it.

Oh, and don't inject and let sit to long if you do. Fruit juices like Pineapple have an enzyme that will break down the food quick. That's why you usually don't see recommendations for using pineapple or papaya for anything other than short, short marinades.

But HEY, I say go for it if you want it.
Ok, I tried my experiment and fruit juice does not belong on brisket. The pineapple did give it a unique flavor which I liked, the tenderness was perfect but made it taste like jerky. The brisket where I followed the Butcher injection recipe was great with a robust flavor. I tried another using the 1/2 Butcher injection supplemented with a beef base and some vege flavor has merit but following the basic recipe was by far the best. It was a thought which I can now file away to know what does not work.
The forum doesn't ever suggest not experimenting,but one thought about use of injections like Butcher's.

Smokin' usually suggests to learn to cook the brisket,like it is,and get the beef taste.

Then experiment and compare.

A note about the pros on the comp circuit is they shoot for 180.0000 points score on their brisket.

Some top cooks don't use an injection like this and are very good.

Others hope to pick up another point,or two out of the 180 and they use it.

Very few think this is the magic that gives them all the rest of the score to make that great brisket.

Just a thought to consider.
I have to agree with you Tom. Some of the best I have tasted had no injection and just a simple rub cooked to perfection. The two most important parts to any recipe is the quality of the ingredients and the cooking process.

I tend to like to experiment with flavors on occasion, some with good results others maybe not. Thanks for your input, It is all fun!

My motto is, You can put lipstick on a pig, but I like mine with a little rub, Low and Slow.
Pags,keep in mind the point about saving a point out of a 180 score.

Kinda like a world class sprinter running 9.95 seconds in the 100 meters,and getting beat by a guy running it in 9.93 seconds.

Buying the same brand of shoes as the winner,may not make us old ,untrained runners that fast. Big Grin

You've cooked long enough and pay attention to what you are doing,so hopefully you cook a couple side by side, that has only Confused one injected.

Then,if you know the difference,you have something to hang onto.

Now folks that get a great brisket,and get lucky with their random cooking technique,may think that is the "super secret" .

They may inject the next 25 and think their cooker is broken,when they turn out poorly.

Most folks that have cooked a few contests have watched the first time category winner confuse blind luck/bad judging as skill and repeat the same super secret until they get frustrated and sell the cooker. Confused

Thus,Smokin' always preaches change one thing at a time and take great notes.

Let us know what you think about the cook and have fun.

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