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Picked up the "capped flats". Selected 4 that were appx same size.

First of all, they are ~not~ capped. While there was a good amount of fat on top, there were still areas where the meat was clearly visible. Thus, I seasoned them with trepidation (not my favorite rub).

The problem is that flats without that fat caps tend to cook too quickly. These were about 6lbs each and reached 180+ internal in between 6-7 hours, cooking at 225.

Bottom line is they were tender and juicy. However, they did not have enough smoke flavor to please me. And, there was little bark, which I love.

Thus, at an outrageous price of over $3 per lb, am going back to full packer cuts. I miss the bark and I miss the extra smoke. It's either that, or set the temp for about 190 and cook them for a jillion hours to get the internal temp up to 180. I don't have the patience for that.

On the plus side, the presentation was superb, and the CS seems to have the ability to turn chicken poop into chicken salad, because I suspect that this same experiment run on a wood burning offset would have produced dry animal flesh.

Regards, Mike
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Not sure about the chicken poop conversion however we did have some excess chicken breast yesterday that got converted to chicken salad.

We just took the meat and stripped off the meat removing the skin. The skin was then rendered on the Holland grill to yield what amounted to "fatless" skin. That was chopped (as the old cookbooks used to say) exceeding fine and mixed into a normal chicken salad. The only difference was my wife's suggestion that to offset the inclusion of the "bark" we use a bit of extra celery and onion.

She took it to work this morning and left me some for lunch today. Welp, it's 9:40 and there's no chicken salad left. It was simply wonderful.

Now on to the chicken poop...


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