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Last night I cut a cheap pork loin roast into 1.5"x1.5"x4" strips and marinated the strips overnight in a store-bought Chinese BBQ Pork red marinade...

I am trying to decide whether to use my dome or my CS to cook this...I like the finish the dome gives the meat w/the higher temps and I'm not sure such small pieces of meat w/so little fat will finish nicely in my 009... I generally avoid loins so I don't have a lot of experience w/them... Thought of using a little apple or cherry if I go w/the CS?????

Any advice would be appreciated...

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I've made this in the CS before, but used one whole chunk rather than little strips and marinated for a couple days. I cut it up after cooking. However, I think I liked it better made in the regular oven or indirectly on the gas grill because the sugar in the sauce got nice and carmelized in the dry heat rather than just sort of running off in the CS.

See this old post on Chinese BBQ for a marinade recipe.

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