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Hey guys,

Hope you are having a great Memorial Day weekend. From some of the posts I read previously, I know that many of you are looking for an alternative to beef brisket for BBQ. This past week I purchased a case of chuck rolls from Sam's Club--I had to ask the butcher for them, but they had them in the back. Price was pretty decent at about $2.25 per lb. The case contained 3 chuck rolls at approx. 18 lbs. apiece. For prep, I rinsed and dried them, rough trimmed the outsides, and split them each in two, yielding 6 beef roasts of approximately 9 lbs. each. I seasoned them just like a pork butt and put them in the FEC100 at 250 degrees. I would have preferred a little lower temp. (maybe 225), but I'm a little behind schedule and need to get them off by noon tomorrow at the latest so that I can do a load of ribs for a shindig tomorrow night Smiler I'll post the results after they are done. Happy Q'n on this Memorial Day weekend!
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Sorry for the belated reply! The chuck rolls were awesome, and made some outstanding pulled beef sandwiches. I left them on 250 for the entire cook time, and the first of the chuck rolls were ready in about 12 hours, and I pulled the last ones at 14 hours. My goal was an internal temp of 195. They were done a good 4-5 hours before serving time, so I wrapped them in foil and stored them in the Cambro until dinner. The chuck rolls pulled just like a pork butt and had a great flavor. If you are looking for a "kinder" cut of beef to cook on your smoker, then look no further than the chuck roll!

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